

发布时间:2024-09-06 05:38:16作者:普门品全文网

佛教在线海外讯 据《metronews》2009年8月28日报道,近日,加拿大多伦多士嘉堡的斯里兰卡多伦多佛教禅修中心(Toronto Mahari Vihara Buddhist Meditation Centre)花费65000美元经过三个月的修复后重新对当地斯里兰卡佛教徒开放。


The arsonists crept up to the Buddhist temple in Scarborough around 4 a.m., doused a side door in flammable liquid, then set the immense wooden structure alight.

They ran around back and tried to torch the part of the temple that housed the library. But they inadvertently triggered a motion sensor alarm, dropped bottles of flammable liquid, and fled into the dark as a monk awoke and called police.

That was in mid-May, during the height of both Sri Lanka’s civil war and the local Tamil population’s protests. More than three months, $65,000 and multiple Sunday school and sermon cancellations later, the Toronto Mahari Vihara Buddhist Meditation Centre has finally reopened for local Sinhalese Buddhists.



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